Design of Multi-purpose building at Eco Moyo, Master with Meaning

A Master’s thesis from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) by Marie Eggen Norløff and Veronika Nyhus. The thesis is about the design of a multi-purpose hall at Eco Moyo Education Centre in Kenya. The hall is intended to accommodate sports activities, community events and student assemblies throughout the rainy seasons. The design proposal focuses on utilizing local construction methods and locally available building materials. The proposed design is a 14 x 22.8 meter footprint and consists of hollow cross-section members made of S235 steel. The roof has corrugated steel sheets and facilitates rainwater harvesting and installation of solar panels. The materials of the design result in a cost estimate of 117 000 NOK. Functional and aesthetic design solutions are implemented in the design proposal, and recommendations for a more effective, feasible and durable design follow. It is especially important to identify and prevent deterioration of the materials to ensure a long service life.